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Nobody likes paying more than they need to, and understanding how to control your GST payable as a business owner can save you money over the course of the financial year.Tax time is looming and many business operators are looking more closely at their accounts and wondering...
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Many small business owners are rightly concerned about making errors with Goods and Services Tax (GST), so here are some of the more common and costly to avoid. As I wrote in my last piece on this topic, if you expect your business to bring in revenue of over $60,000 ov...
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The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a tricky tax to come to grips with for those who don’t deal with it on a day-to-day basis, so here are a few items to make certain you get right. As a financial advisor and accountant, there are a few errors I see frequently made by busi...
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Like all taxes, GST can be complicated, but for most business owners it can be pretty straightforward once you get to grips with the basics. To do so, it’s necessary to understand how GST works.Many business owners think GST costs them money, but in fact, as a GST register...
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